Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Welcome to our Blog!!! In this, our initial post, we would like to introduce ourselves. Decatur-DeKalb CopWatch are a diverse group of concerned citizens who live in Decatur, Georgia and DeKalb County, Georgia, who are interested in keeping tabs on the thugs with badges who masquerade as our police. We will be posting relevant news on the misdeeds of the Decatur Police Department, the DeKalb County Police Department, and the DeKalb County Sheriff's Department. We will be keeping tabs on the DeKalb County Court System officials, to ensure that justice is colorblind and fairly meted out. Also, when necessary, we will inform our readers of misconduct, ethical lapses, and crimes by the police and judiciary of other Metro-Atlanta counties.

As is well-known, the Decatur police, DeKalb police and DeKalb sheriff's departments have a long, notorious history of officers committing numerous crimes running the entire gamut, including drunken driving, sexual assault, obstructing justice to cover for fellow officers' crimes, lying under oath, unjustified killings of unarmed suspects, some of which were outright murder!

We are also highly concerned that, in addition to most if not all of the unarmed suspects shot by police were ethnic minorities, we also observed that the vast majority of prisoners in the DeKalb County jail are minorities. Thus we will further study these apparent discrepancies. And we will remedy any racially-biased dispensation of 'justice'.

Our goal is to highlight these acts in order to improve the quality of our local law enforcement agencies and court officials.

Our mission is to restore the principles of ethical and moral behavior to these organizations, because ethical, moral and honorable character in police officers are the underlying fiber which supports and promotes a free democratic government.

We need your help to be observant of police misconduct and criminal behavior, and request that you report it to us, anonymously if you wish, at our email addresses: crispus.attucks@lycos.com or crispus.1770.attucks@gmail.com. Strict confidentiality will be maintained. In this request, we emphasize that citizen participation and initiative is crucial in a free democracy, we cannot just assume that 'someone else will take care of it'. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER AS AMERICANS!

Our mascot is Crispus Attucks, an African-American protester against British police abuses, who was shot by police, and thus the first person killed in the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770. He was the "First Martyr of the American Revolution."

We are honored to perform our civic duty by providing this service, and we fervently hope to re-instill patriotic American values not only in our police and judiciary, but to also kindle the FIRES of LIBERTY for all citizens of our

Great American Republic!

Let Freedom Ring!!!

The Boston Massacre was a notorious incident where British military police, acting as Boston's police force, shot and killed five unarmed civilians on March 5, 1770. The political aftermath of this notorious police brutality sparked the rebellion in the American colonies. This rebellion ultimately exploded into the American Revolution. The massacre was basically caused by tensions from the excessive British military-police presence in Boston, who would arrogantly abused their authority to harass the peaceful colonial Americans. The rampant police abuses escalated to the point that the police incited brawls between themselves and civilians. This escalated further still, culminating in the British police shooting into a peaceful demonstration against these police abuses, killing five unarmed civilian demonstrators.

In closing, we pray that Almighty God Continues to Protect our Freedoms, & God Bless the United States of America!!!